“I was living in a stand-still”

(With respect to our client’s confidentiality in this story, we have used a pseudonym.)

“My recent trip to Calgary was brought on by a recent rough patch; both of my parents, in their own individual ways, had gone insane. I threw myself in the middle of it to try to make their lives easier, but it turned out to be more than I could bear. The time had come for me to pack everything into my car and drive out in search of space.

“I had been driving on the highway when I saw it. A billboard, advertising free testing for depression. Two weeks later, I was heading towards my first appointment at the Calgary Counselling Centre. I didn’t know what to expect, but the building was clean, and the staff very helpful. It was a warm and welcoming environment.

“After approximately 12 sessions, I finally began to see clarity. The counsellors helped me to reframe things—my perception of situations, and how my view of the world may not have been supported by reality. I was able to un-burden myself, and learned little things I could do each day to help narrow my focus on more positive thoughts.

“I now feel equipped to go out and move forward with my life. I have improved myself enough that I can give myself the distance that I need from my family issues; group and individual counselling absolutely helped me get to the other side.

“My advice to you is to take the first step. If you can book an appointment and simply show up, things will start to fall into place.

“Reaching out can change your life.”

John, 32
