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Unlocking self-love: 5 ways to love your body more

In a world riddled with unrealistic beauty standards and media-fuelled body image ideals, it’s easy to fall into the trap of self-criticism and negative body image. However, loving your body is essential for supporting your overall well-being and a positive mindset. Reframing the way you think about how you look takes time and practice. While it may be challenging to achieve, a positive relationship with your body has mental health benefits ranging from increased confidence, happiness, and self-acceptance, to improved relationships.

Below are five empowering ways to love and celebrate your body while forming a healthier relationship with it.

What do self-love and body positivity look like?

Self-love and body positivity is about being authentic and not feeling the need to mask or overcompensate to meet other people’s standards or ideals. Body positivity will look different for everyone, so focus on what makes you happy and confident with your body.

Often, social media and societal pressures affect our self-esteem and the way we view ourselves. Learning how to embrace yourself, rather than seeking external validation will help you feel more confident and secure about yourself and your body. A great way to start practicing this is by using self-affirmations. Rather than waiting for someone else to tell you they’re proud of you, acknowledge your accomplishments and be proud of what you’ve done. Another positive affirmation is telling yourself one thing you like about your body daily. The more conscious effort you put into acknowledging your strengths and positive qualities, the more you’ll start to believe it, resulting in a happier relationship with yourself.

When practicing self-love, it’s important to take care of your body by properly nurturing it. A lot of people think this just means exercising and eating healthy, but it’s much more than that. Think about your body: How are you taking care of your muscles? How are you taking care of your skin? How are you taking care of your brain? Self-care is important when fostering a positive relationship with yourself. Allow your body time to rest and recharge, give yourself a pampering day, or spend time with people that make you feel happy.

5 tips for loving your body more

1. Practice positive self-talk

Positive self-talk is the same idea as positive affirmations. We often talk negatively about ourselves, and this can lead us down a path of self-doubt. Try taking a little time each day to reflect on the things you like about yourself or your appearance. The goal of positive self-talk is to increase your self-esteem and confidence over time. Getting in touch with how you feel about your body and telling yourself something positive each day, makes it easier to change the way you view yourself.

2. Talk to yourself like a friend

If practicing positive-self talk is hard for you at first or feels awkward, try talking to yourself like you would to a good friend. We often show others more kindness and love than we show ourselves, so start by pretending you’re talking about someone else. Tell yourself the words you wish someone else would say to you. Eventually, this will become more natural, and you’ll feel comfortable talking about yourself and the things you like about your body.

3. Try mirror work

Mirror work is a tool used to promote body acceptance. Start by standing in front of a mirror and describe what you see. It may be uncomfortable at first, and you may think more negatively about it than positively. Keep positive affirmations in mind, and pay attention to your self-talk. While we all have bad days where we don’t feel the best about ourselves, the purpose of mirror work is to show you what you like and eventually change those negative thoughts into positive ones.

4. Accept compliments

It's common for people to deflect compliments because it can feel awkward receiving one, especially if you don't agree with them. The next time someone compliments you, even if you disagree, thank them and allow yourself to feel affirmed.

5. Surround yourself with uplifting people

The people you surround yourself with can affect your mood and mental health. When you’re around people who are encouraging, understanding, supportive, and positive, it’s easier to work on building your self-esteem. Surround yourself with friends and family who recognize your beauty and who like and accept you for who you are. If you surround yourself with people who make you feel good, you’re less likely to base your self-esteem and confidence on how your body fits society's definition of beauty.

Learning to love your body is a journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to challenge societal norms or expectations. By practicing self-compassion, focusing on your body's capabilities, surrounding yourself with positive influences, and engaging in body-positive activities, you can start forming a healthier relationship with your body.

If you try these tools and you’re still struggling with self-esteem and body acceptance, it may be time to consider reaching out for help. Our counsellors can provide more tools and advice to help build your self-esteem.

Information for this blog post was provided by registered psychologist, Amy Ramler and registered social worker, Haley Slade. Learn more about our counsellors.