Calgary Counselling Centre

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Calgary Counselling Centre & Counselling Alberta Empowers Albertans to Prioritize Mental Health

In a significant outreach effort to support the mental well-being of individuals across Alberta, Calgary Counselling Centre (CCC) and Counselling Alberta conducted a free online depression screening quiz from October 2 to 8. The results are in, and they shed light on the mental health landscape in the region. 

The free self-assessment tool, available at, was part of the CCC’s 17th annual National Depression Screening Day (NDSD) initiative.  

With a total of 6,175 respondents participating in the screening quiz, 73% were from Alberta. The online tool, developed by the Harvard Department of Psychiatry and adopted by Calgary Counselling Centre, screens for symptoms of depression and provides three possible results: not recommended for further evaluation, recommended for further evaluation, or strongly recommended for further evaluation. 

Evaluation Recommendations: 

The quiz results revealed the following evaluation recommendations among Alberta participants: 

  • Not recommended for evaluation: 42% 

  • Recommended for evaluation: 42.6% 

  • Strongly recommended for evaluation: 15.4% 

The age group that received the highest percentage recommended for further evaluation was the 18–29 years of age. And 50% of those who indicated being in the workforce were also recommended for further evaluation.  

These findings indicate a significant portion of respondents may benefit from further mental health assessment and support. 

Age Distribution: 

The data also presented insightful information about the age distribution of Alberta respondents. The average age of participants in Alberta was 45.4 years, marking an increase of 4.5 years compared to the previous year. The youngest participant was 10 years old, while the oldest was 89. 

  • <20 years old: 3.03% 

  • 20–29: 13.46% 

  • 30–39: 22.96% 

  • 40–49: 21.35% 

  • 50–59: 17.89% 

  • 60+: 21.30% 

These statistics underscore the need for mental health resources tailored to various age groups in Alberta. 

Dr. Robbie Babins-Wagner, CEO of Calgary Counselling Centre, stated, "The data from this screening quiz underscores the critical importance of mental health awareness and support in our community. We remain dedicated to providing accessible services and resources to help individuals take proactive steps towards improved mental well-being." 

Calgary Counselling Centre and Counselling Alberta remain committed to providing effective and accessible mental health support across Alberta. The organization recognizes the significance of these findings and will continue its efforts to provide accessible resources for those in need. 

For additional information about the quiz and the services offered by Calgary Counselling Centre and Counselling Alberta, please visit or 

About Calgary Counselling Centre and Counselling Alberta: 

Calgary Counselling Centre has been serving the community for over 60 years. Counselling Alberta is a division of Calgary Counselling Centre and together we provide access to highly effective, affordable counselling, with no wait list to all Albertans. We are a charitable organization and are a leader in counselling, providing unapparelled client results. CCC is a widely recognized Centre of Excellence in counselling research and the largest counselling training provider in Western Canada. CCC and Counselling Alberta provides personalized counselling and group programs to help individuals, families, couples and children develop the skills they need to thrive.