Calgary Counselling Centre

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“It’s important to know that you’re not alone”

“I wanted to give up. I felt like I couldn’t get through this, like I couldn’t do or be anything. My insecurities were reigning over my life.

“I had just left an abusive relationship with my husband. I started counselling in Michigan before I came back to Calgary, and I wanted to continue my journey to get through this. I had heard of Calgary Counselling Centre through family and friends and I knew that even though I didn’t have a job or very much money the Centre wouldn’t turn me away.

“At first I wondered, could they help me? These worries were quickly put to rest, and I soon realized that I could really trust the people there. I saw a couple of counsellors and I developed some amazing relationships where I felt comfortable opening up. There was one counsellor that was just like me, I could relate to her, she wasn’t perfect, she was kind of clumsy and it just made me feel like I can be somebody and I don’t have to be insecure in my own skin.

“After going to individual counselling sessions I participated in the “You’re Not Alone” program. These sessions, along with the individual counselling I received, helped me come a long way. I’m a different person and I definitely know how to deal with life differently, it’s a huge change in the way I think. I still have ups and downs, but I am doing really well, it’s not as daunting anymore and I don’t want to give up. I can get on with my life. I still reference the materials I received from the Centre to remind myself that I can do this. I have the tools to deal with what life throws my way, and that means a lot to me.

“I was really down, and having someone to understand and not judge me was huge. It’s important to know that you’re not alone, but also that there is something that can help and someone out there who is willing to hear you and guide you to recovery.”

Heather – 39