Calgary Counselling Centre

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“I have two little kids to worry about and didn’t know how I was going to get through the day”

“I was constantly feeling defeated, angry and overwhelmed with everything going on in my life. I have two little kids to worry about and didn’t know how I was going to get through the day, let alone be able to keep it together for their sake.

“My family was falling apart. My world was crumbling in front of me and I was at a complete loss. I first received counselling when my ex-girlfriend and I broke-up and I was a complete wreck. I needed an outlet and Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) recommended the Calgary Counselling Centre. Not just for me, but for my kids too.

“When my ex-girlfriend and I broke up, my kids were a mess. They couldn’t focus and were struggling in school. I am grateful for the recommendation to the Centre because they have a ton of options for kids.

“I could see how much my kids were hurting, which hurt me even more. Counselling has always been something I was open to and attended before, but my experience this time was like none other. I personally feel like Calgary Counselling Centre chose me.

“At the beginning of counselling I found it difficult to judge how my kids were doing. Their mom has them part-time which made it hard to figure out how they were doing until I have been with them for more than a day.

“So far we have currently attended eight sessions and things are starting to stabilize and return back to normal. Our counsellor is great and has done us a great service. The situation has been up and down for us, but for the most part is improving.

“I am happy to say that my kids’ have improved tremendously since their last term in school. I absolutely know I made the right decision for both myself and my kids to get help at Calgary Counselling Centre.”

Scott, 36