Calgary Counselling Centre

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Give the gift of self-care

This time of year is often referred to as the season of giving. It’s the time of year when we traditionally give gifts to family and friends. But this season of giving is going to feel much different than years past. 2020 has challenged and tested us in ways we never thought would happen. Words like “pandemic”, “quarantine”, and “lockdown”, were not in our daily vocabulary 12 months ago. And the restrictions around limiting social contact can take a toll on our mental and emotional health. 

This season of giving, as well as giving to others, give generously to yourself – give yourself rest, compassion, and self-care. 

In the simplest terms, self-care is taking the time to make sure all of your own needs are met. And not just the basics of food, clothing, and shelter. It’s looking after all aspects of your health: mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, etc. 

Especially during times of heightened stress like the holidays, self-care is important to stay grounded and resilient. We sometimes neglect some areas of our life that need to be nurtured. Self-care helps us reset and reinvigorate to be better able to handle the challenges we’re experiencing. 

Take a moment to reflect on what you can do for yourself over the holidays to improve your well-being. Ask yourself: what do I need? What do I want to do more of? What would bring me joy? Acts of self-care are not selfish or frivolous. Looking after yourself enables you to show up in the best way you can in all aspects of your life. It helps you to be a better parent, friend, spouse, and employee. 

Self-care is going to mean something different to everyone, so take some time to consider the areas of your life that you feel need more attention. Take time to rest and recharge over the holidays and give yourself what you need. Here are some possible ideas for self-care:

  • Eat a healthy meal

  • Exercise

  • Get enough sleep

  • Connect with friends or family – even if not in-person

  • Spend time alone

  • Take a break from social media

  • Make time for activities that make you happy: playing video games, watching movies, baking, working on your car, painting, make music etc.

  • Meditate

  • Hang out with a furry friend

  • Read a book

  • Set boundaries in your relationships – learn when to say ‘no’ and ask for what you need

  • Reach out for help if you’re feeling down or overwhelmed

However you choose to take care of yourself, make it a priority this holiday season. Schedule it. Commit to it. How are you going to give to yourself during the season of giving?

Information for this blog was provided by Registered Psychologist, Lara Rae, and Registered Social Workers, Marnie Rusen, and Becca Anderson. Learn more about our counsellors.