Calgary Counselling Centre

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Coping with anxiety in stressful times

Right now, it can feel like there’s so much in our lives that is out of our control, and sometimes that can be difficult to manage. Information and news about the Coronavirus, COVID-19, is everywhere. On the one hand, we need good quality information such as the information being provided by Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief medical officer, on the other hand is hard to not be impacted by all the other information we hear around us.

Some of the terms being used in the news like ‘pandemic’ and ‘quarantine’ can be frightening and are likely to cause stress. Although it’s natural to be concerned about our health and that of our family’s, it’s important to manage our stress and fears during times of uncertainty and prioritize our mental health.

The following may help you cope and help reduce anxiety as we navigate the developments of COVID-19:

Set a limit on the news and updates – It’s important to keep informed but don’t let the information consumption take up too much of your time. Prioritize self-care and activities you enjoy. Make sure you’re using reliable information sources. Some good sources are Alberta Health Services and World Health Organization.

Maintain your connections – If you can’t see family and friends in person, continue to stay in touch through social media or the phone.

Healthy habits - The connection of physical and mental health is very important – make sure you maintain healthy habits such as getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercise as often as you can. A healthy body is the best foundation for a healthy mind.

Make a plan – It can help to establish plans for what you and your family would do in the situations that are causing you fear.

Perspective is key – Take the proper health precautions, learn the facts, and remember that you have survived difficult situations in the past.

Maintain your normal – As much as you can, continue to live your normal life. Routine can create calm.

Make choices to reduce your anxiety - Having a daily activity that helps reduce stress can be very helpful. This can be anything from having a gratitude journal, meditation, a hobby or getting fresh air even if it’s only opening a window.

If you are feeling the weight of what’s going on around you and your worries become all-encompassing creating stress and anxiety to the point of disrupting your daily life, it’s time to ask for help.

Help is available, and ready when you are. Our counsellors can help you cope with your fears and anxieties – reach out today.